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Frequently asked questions about parking

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about parking.

Parking tickets

Number of parking tickets issued55,34657,12449,49725,90855,360
Number of parking tickets appealed10,85512,12911,2917,34917,425
Number of appeals accepted3,0604,9743,7172,6813,888

* Additional note re 2019/20, 20/21 and 21/22: figures may have been affected as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns (first official lockdown 23 March 2020).

Further information, including details on car parks income and expenditure, can be found in the parking services annual reports.

What happens to any income raised through enforcement?

Any money raised through enforcement can only be used for the purposes of highway and road improvement, environmental improvement or for the improvement of public passenger transport services.

Residents parking permits

What authority does the council have to make changes to the residents parking scheme?

Under the Traffic Management Act 2004 the council has a statutory duty to manage the highways network in a way to minimise congestion and reduce air pollution. This translates to a policy supporting economic viability regarding turnover and availability of parking spaces, safety in discouraging stopping / parking at locations that cause risk to other road users, and congestion by reducing impediments to traffic flow and movement. 

Cabinet - Thursday 18 July 2019

Where does the resident parking scheme apply?

There are 428 resident only parking locations across Swansea, predominantly in response to requests from residents.

How many permits are currently in issue?

Approximately 13,260 (August 2024).

How is the scheme enforced?

Civil enforcement officers have real time access to the permit database, allowing them to check if any vehicle has valid permission for the location in which it's parked. Enforcement would follow civil enforcement procedures in the same way as any other parking contraventions.

Parking charges

What is the cheapest way to park in a council-operated car park?

Park and Ride is the cheapest at just £1 a day, Monday to Saturday: Park and ride

If I can't use Park and Ride, what are my options?

Parking at St David's, High Street MSCP or a pay and display car park is cheaper than Quadrant car park. Longer stays of up to 12 hours are less expensive if you park somewhere other than at Quadrant and Copr Bay South.

What is the cheapest available season ticket in the city centre?

If the company you work for is a member of BID, your company can apply for a virtual season ticket on your behalf at an average price of £1.37 a day. You need to speak to your employer to get this deal. Season tickets are subject to availability.

If my company is not part of BID, can I still apply for a season ticket pass for the city centre?

Yes. Prices start from as little as £2.27 per day. You can do that here: Car park season ticket

You can pay for the season ticket monthly.

Why is it more expensive to park in the arena car park (Copr Bay South)?

Copr Bay South car park is a premium car park with direct access to Swansea Arena. It is a city centre car park and pricing for the first 3 hours is comparable with the Quadrant. For stays longer than 3 hours the price increases to a comparable level of those in key popular destinations in other city centres.

I use MiPermit. How can I make sure I get the resident discount?

You will need to register with MiPermit to apply for a resident saver permit. We are currently looking to streamline registration via the app to make accessing the discount easier.

To register for your digital resident saver permit, you will need to supply your postcode and house number to then be able to select your property from the search field to continue registration.

The registration process will ask for your details to set up your account, and a PIN will be sent to you by email / SMS text message in order that you can login to your newly created account. If you experience difficulties with registering, please contact MiPermit on 0345 520 7007.

Renew or apply for your resident saver permit: Resident saver permit

When logged in to the MiPermit portal, select 'Digital permits' from the menu, and select the 'Renew / apply for permits'. You can then select the type of permit you require. All fields will be pre-populated with your details. Upload one of the required document proofs and press 'Finish'.

Can I use MiPermit to extend my stay at car parks, including The Strand?

Yes. One of the benefits of MiPermit is that if you know you're going to take more time than you first thought, you can go back on the app and pay for a longer stay. You don't have to go back to the car and buy a new ticket.

How much does it cost to park in the city centre on Sundays? Does it apply to all car parks, including the arena car park?

The charge is £2 all day in the city centre. The arena car park (Copr Bay South) charges on Sunday are the same as they are Monday to Saturday.

How much does it cost to park in car parks outside the city centre?

You can find all of our car parks and charges here: Car parks

Don't forget the MiPermit app can also help.

What are the arrangements for disabled parking in the city centre?

There are lots of disabled spaces in the city centre: Disabled parking information

Blue Badge holders pay reduced rates in many council car parks. The new charges are in the table below. 

Blue Badge holders - new charges
 Pre-covidCurrent charge
Up to 2 hours70p£1.50
2-4 hours£1.20£3
4-6 hours£2.40£4

Will the car park charges in foreshore and beach car parks go down in the winter season?

Reduced winter charges apply between 1 November and 28/29 February in the following car parks:

Are the new car parking charges in Swansea comparable to other city centres like Cardiff, Newport and Bristol?

The new car parking charges in Swansea are very competitive compared to similar cities like Cardiff and Newport.

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Last modified on 05 August 2024