Publication scheme
Our publication scheme makes it easier to find information without having to make a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act.
Who are we and what do we do
Information on the structure of the council and how it is run.
What we spend and how we spend it
Finance and budget information including contracts, procurement and tendering.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategy and performance information including plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.
How we make decisions
Decision making processes, procedures and consultation.
Our policies and procedures
Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.
Lists and registers
Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the council.
Services we offer
What services, advice and guidance we offer.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 was passed with the intention to encourage public authorities to shed more light on what they are doing with public money and discourage unnecessary secrecy.
Environmental Information Regulations
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 give the public similar rights to those in Freedom of Information Act when requesting environmental information.
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information request
Make a request for information held by Swansea Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Review of information requests
All requesters have the right to complain if they are unhappy with the handling of a request for information made under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (subject access request (SAR)), Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).
Frequently asked questions about Swansea Council
Before submitting a formal freedom of information request you can check that your query hasn't already been answered in our list of frequently asked questions.
Freedom of information statistics
Details of the number of freedom of information (FOI) requests received by us.
Deceased information request
A deceased information request (DIR) is a request made by an individual wishing to see personal information held by us about a deceased individual.
Data subject access request
Under the rights of data subject access granted by GDPR, you are entitled to find out what information the council holds about you.
Information about how the council collects, uses and protects your data.
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Last modified on 04 July 2023