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Free period products

Free period products are available at a number of locations around Swansea.

Free period products at the Dylan Thomas Centre.

Council venues where you can pick up free period products

A range of products are available at each location. Take what you need, there's no need to ask.

Other collection points

You can also pick up packs from food banks around Swansea (depending on supplies).

For more information and a list of all places in Swansea where free products are available visit the STOPP (Swansea Takes On Period Poverty) website or Facebook page:


The collection points also host donation stations where you can donate products and support the work of STOPP. Pads, tampons and liners of all shapes and sizes are needed.


All secondary schools have been given five packs of plastic-free pads for each girl to take home every school term, with more supplies kept in school and for primary schools. 

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