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Climate change and nature recovery

Climate change is happening and is resulting in serious global challenges such as rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and increased extreme weather.

The effects of climate change are already being felt in Swansea. In recent years, Swansea has experienced flooding, extreme storms and wildfires. This means climate change is not only a global but a local problem with significant local impacts particularly for the most vulnerable members of our community.

Forecasts anticipate hotter, drier summers and milder, wetter winters with more extreme weather events. The Swansea our grandchildren will grow up in may be very different from our own, but the good news is we can work together to make that future positive.

Our climate emergency

In 2019, Swansea Council declared a Climate Emergency and has followed this up with an action plan to reduce our organisational emissions, a policy review so we make sure we tackle climate change as part of everything the Council does and plans for engagement to work with partners and citizens in striving for a net zero carbon Swansea by 2050.

Nature emergency

This Council notes with alarm the urgency to take strong, relevant, and immediate measures to counter and minimise the scale and impacts upon mankind and wildlife of human-caused loss of biodiversity and global climate change.

We are facing a combined and inter-related local and global climate and ecological disaster, with 17% of species in Wales at risk of extinction. But we can change this by putting nature into recovery, which will also help to tackle climate change.

Notice of motion on the Nature Emergency (PDF) [229KB]

The Climate Change Charter

In order to lead by example, Swansea Council has signed an organisational Climate Change Charter. This is so we can build on and accelerate the good work that reduced our carbon emissions by 55% from 2010 levels. We are working with key partners who have signed the Charter to deliver projects that will help Swansea meet our Net Zero 2050 target. Read more about our Climate Change Charter in detail here.

Climate targets

We have an organisational target of a net zero Swansea Council by 2030. This means reducing and offsetting carbon emissions from the council's activities and estate.

But to make a real difference the whole of Swansea has to reduce its carbon footprint. Everyone needs to get involved in making changes. Our ambition is for a net zero Swansea by 2050.

In order to deliver on net zero 2030 and net zero 2050 targets Swansea Council has reviewed its governance to ensure a cross departmental approach and works in partnership across the county and region. Swansea Council recognises the need to work collaboratively to deliver the best possible outcomes. 

Our corporate plan strengthens the governance structure by having Nature Recovery and Climate Change as a key priority.

Climate action - get involved

We're taking action but our citizens, public, private and voluntary organisations all have important parts to play. 

Join us on our climate journey to a 2050 Net Zero Swansea

Register here if you'd like to receive updates or get involved (as an individual, organisation or business).

Swansea Council Charter on Climate Change

To demonstrate our commitment to a Net Zero Swansea, a Swansea Council Charter on Climate Change was approved at Council on 3 December 2020.

Net Zero 2030

How we're taking action on climate change across the council.

Climate change risk assessments

The UK government undertakes an assessment of the risks of climate change on the UK every 5 years, which is required by the Climate Change Act 2008.

Measure your carbon footprint

Measure your carbon footprint to see if you are on track for the UK's target of 10.5 tonnes per head per year - that's an equivalent to charging 1,158,700 smart phones.

Net Zero 2050

The target for net zero 2050 comes from the Paris Agreement in 2015.

Climate Change and Nature Strategy 2022-2030

Swansea Council's commitment to addressing climate change is broken down into clearly defined work streams alongside its commitment to nature recovery.

Ecosystem resilience

An ecosystem is a group of living things (animals, plants and fungi, including people) that live in and interact with each other in an environment.

Protected sites in Swansea

'Protected sites' are areas of land or sea (or sometimes both) that are protected for the environment.

Climate pledge

A net zero, greener Swansea by 2050 - make a pledge and play your part!