Recent Population Trends
Analysis of longer term demographic change in Swansea using the mid-year estimates of population.
Between each decennial census, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) publish annual population estimates, relating to the previous year's mid-point. The estimates are calculated by using the census as a benchmark, and combining subsequent annual birth and death registrations data with estimates of internal (within UK) and international migration flows.
Between 2013 and 2023, the estimated population of Swansea increased by 7,500 or 3.1% (from 239,200 to 246,700). A briefing note is available which explores long-term population change in Swansea in more detail. Recent Population Change in Swansea (to 2023) (PDF, 1 MB)
Further information on the latest population estimates is included in the Population page. The population web page also includes links to additional local information on population and demography, including: census statistics; population estimates for small areas in Swansea; population density; household estimates; and the latest official population and household projections.
If you have any further enquiries regarding population and demographic statistics in Swansea, please contact us.