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Equalities Statistics Review

A review of statistics for Swansea on population characteristics related to equalities.

In 2023, we undertook our second review of the available published statistics around population characteristics related to equalities; in order to understand the diversity of Swansea's population, how it has changed and what may happen in future.  The  Equalities Statistics Review (PDF) [1MB] document looks at a series of key equalities indicators for Swansea, presenting the latest available statistics and providing some commentary and analysis on what the data shows. 

This Review is able to include updated statistics and information from the 2021 Census, including local data on some population characteristics for the first time.

The following characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 are considered:

  1.  Age
  2.  Disability
  3.  Gender reassignment
  4.  Marriage and civil partnership
  5.  Pregnancy and maternity
  6.  Race
  7.  Religion or belief
  8.  Sex
  9.  Sexual orientation.

The Review document includes an overall summary table showing the key population indicators for each, with the following information included in separate chapters for each characteristic:

  • An outline of relevant data sources available for the characteristic
  • A summary of the available key statistics for Swansea and national comparisons
  • Any local variations within Swansea, for example via Census data
  • An indication of change over time (from the data sources used)
  • Potential future trends, where possible to identify.

Note: parts of the document (1. Age; 8. Sex) were updated further in February 2024 to incorporate population statistics for mid-2022 published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in late 2023.

A short summary (PDF) [477KB] highlighting the key findings of the latest Review is also available (updated February 2024), together with previous versions of the review.

By focusing on the protected characteristics described in the Equality Act, the Review also informs and supports the Council's Strategic Equality Plan:  Strategic equality plan - Swansea.

If you would like any additional statistical information about the characteristics of Swansea's population, or have any other queries regarding these statistics, please contact us.

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