Contact us in person
- Opening times
- Swansea Space
- Services available
- Digital self-serve zones
- Parking
- Other things to visit in Civic Centre
Contact Centre opening times
Monday - Thursday, 8.30am - 5.00pm
Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday and Sunday, closed
Please ensure you attend the Contact Centre 30 minutes before the stated closing times.
Swansea Space
Public seating in the reception and exhibition areas inside the main Civic Centre entrance.
- Free use of computers / devices
- Accessible entrance / venue
- Toilets / accessible toilets (Changing Places) / baby changing facilities
- Car parking / disabled parking (see below)
- Refreshments available
- can be purchased from Coastline Café (open similar hours)
- Drinking water available
- Advice, information and signposting
- signposting and guidance on a broad range of matters from the council's primary customer contact service
Services available include:
- Blue badge
- Passport to Leisure
- Handing in applications/documents for taxis/planning/street trading/school transport
- Making payments
Housing Benefit / Council Tax Reduction queries, opening times for these services are:
Monday - Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm
Council Tax queries available until 4.45pm (Fridays 4.15pm)
Digital self-serve zones
In these zones computers are available to assist you with services which are available online. This means you will not have to wait in a queue to be dealt with by a member of staff.
Parking at the Civic Centre
The Civic Centre East Car Park (library) is now a Pay and Display car park. However, we have still kept a 2-hour free period after which a charge is then payable. Please be reminded that a Pay and Display ticket is still required even for the free period.
Please see the payment boards in the car park for all information and tariffs.
In Civic Centre you can also visit:
West Glamorgan Archive Service (Tuesday - Friday)
Central Library (closed Monday)
Coastline Café
The café offers a superb selection of drinks including tea, coffee (Americano, cappuccino, latte, espresso, mocha) and cold beverages. The range of delicious snacks and light meals includes toasted panini, selection of soups, salad boxes, and ciabatta sandwiches, home baked filled baguettes, jacket potatoes and cakes and pastries.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 3.00pm
Exhibition space
The gallery style exhibition space provides a showcase for community and school artwork, a space for events and a place to display collections and resources from library, museum and archive projects.
Applications to use the exhibition space are welcomed from community groups, local organisations, societies, public services, council departments and individuals. Email or contact Central Library for further information.