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Bank holiday information - May

Bank holiday information for our services, including opening times and emergency contacts. All recycling collections will take place on the usual days.

Equality Act 2010 information for taxis

On the 6 April 2017, Sections 165 and 167 of the Equality Act 2010 became effective. Section 167 of the Act provides the Licensing Authority with the powers to make lists of "designated vehicles" (ie wheelchair accessible vehicles), and Section 165 of the Act then places duties on the drivers of those vehicles to carry passengers in wheelchairs, provide assistance to those passengers and prohibits them from charging extra.

At the General Licensing Committee meeting on 8 September 2017 it was agreed that a list of designated vehicles will be maintained by the Swansea Council from the 30 November 2017. This means that if you drive a designated vehicle, the following duties will apply:

  • to carry a passenger whilst in the wheelchair
  • not to make any additional charge for doing so
  • if the passenger chooses to sit in a passenger seat, to carry the wheelchair
  • to take such steps as are necessary to ensure that the passenger is carried in safety and reasonable comfort
  • to give the passenger such mobility assistance as is reasonably required: to enable the passenger to get into or out of the vehicle; if the passenger wishes to remain in the wheelchair, to enable the passenger to get into and out of the vehicle while in the wheelchair; to load the passenger's luggage into or out of the vehicle; if the passenger does not wish to remain in the wheelchair, to load the wheelchair into or out of the vehicle

What if I already hold an exemption?

Please note that you will be contacted directly by the Taxi Licensing Section to update your exemption certificate with directions on how to correctly display this in the designated vehicle.

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