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Wedding Photography Application

Apply to take your wedding photos in some of Swansea's breathtaking parks.

Please take a few minutes to complete the form in as much detail as possible so that your application maybe considered.

Please note:


  • Following receipt of your application, the Events team will check the availability of your preferred park.
  • If the park is available on your preferred date / time you will receive written confirmation of this.
  • You should take a copy of your confirmation with you on the day in case you are challenged by members of the parks staff or other interested person.
  • Please allow up to 14 days for the confirmation process .


  • If permission is granted it may or may not be possible to take any vehicles into the park. This will be confirmed with you in advance.
  • If vehicles are permitted, this will be for a maximum of the Bride & Grooms car and a photographer's car.
  • Any vehicles entering a park must travel at a maximum speed of 5mph with the vehicles hazard lights flashing.
  • Care should be taken to avoid parking your vehicles in areas where they maybe come stuck or may cause damage to the park.

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 15 February 2024