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Council housing tenancy fraud

We take the issue of housing tenancy fraud very seriously and have a number of internal checks in place in order to both prevent and uncover such fraud.

By fighting housing tenancy fraud, we can ensure that those who are in genuine need are re-housed whilst also reducing the cost of putting the homeless into temporary accommodation.

Someone commits tenancy fraud if they:

  • give false information about themselves or use false documents when applying for housing
  • apply to succeed to a tenancy of someone who has died when they do not qualify by submitting false information
  • have a social housing tenancy already but live somewhere else
  • sub-let the whole or part of their home to someone else without the consent of their landlord, the council

What you can do to help

We are working hard to track down housing cheats and ensure that homes are given to those who are the next in line. Your help in reporting housing fraud is important because you can see what's going on in your neighbourhood. You might:

  • know that somebody has a home the landlord doesn't know about or has given false information in their housing application
  • suspect someone of housing fraud having seen them collect rent from your neighbours
  • be suspicious because the tenants of a property keep changing

If you suspect someone is a housing cheat, let us know. It could make a real difference.

Report fraud Report fraud

You can also report fraud by:

  • telephone 01792 635359
  • email 
  • writing to Corporate Fraud Team, Audit Section, Civic Centre, Swansea, SA1 3SN.

All reports will be treated in strictest confidence, and can be made anonymously.

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Last modified on 16 September 2021