Swansea Working
Looking for work? We can help you.
- Personalised employment action plans
- Training to meet your needs
- CV development, help with interview skills and support with job applications
- Work experience, placements, apprenticeships and job opportunities
- In work support
Get in touch today on 01792 578632, email swanseaworking@swansea.gov.uk and find us on Facebook or Twitter.
Our employment hub is located on the right when you come out of the bus station into the Quadrant (opposite Trespass / Superdrug).
Ask for help
Wondering where to start? We can help you to become a more employable you.
Your strengths and weaknesses
We can help you recognise where changes need to be made.
How do I present myself?
We've got lots of great tips so you can make a good first impression with your application, at interview or your first day at work.
How do I start to make changes?
We can help you with planning so that you can reach your goals.
Your knowledge, skills and abilities
Having built new knowledge, skills and abilities, you may still need help to know how to utilise them to progress in your career.
Continuous professional development
Swansea Working can help analyse your own role, responsibilities and boundaries in the organisation.
Contact Swansea Working
- Name
- Swansea Working
- swanseaworking@swansea.gov.uk
- Tel
- 01792 578632
Last modified on 26 January 2023