Performance and statistics
A wide range of statistics, information and intelligence about our City and County.
Performance and improvement
The council provides performance management services to satisfy the requirements of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 and the National Performance Measurement Framework.
About Swansea
Key facts; geography; local area maps.
Area profiles
Profiling information for our local areas.
Statistics on population and households - population estimates, recent trends, small area data, density, population characteristics, household estimates, population and household projections.
Labour market and economic statistics for Swansea - including the 'Swansea Economic Profile' and 'Labour Market Statistics' bulletin.
The Census is the largest single survey of the UK population.
Deprivation is the lack of access to opportunities and resources which we might expect in our society.
Further research and statistics
Additional research resources and statistical information about Swansea and its local areas.
Website statistics
We monitor the number and types of visitors to our website in order to assess which are the most popular areas of the site and where it could be improved.
Last modified on 12 October 2022