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Social Services frequently asked questions

Find out answers to the most common questions we get asked about social services.

What statistics do you have about adoption?

You can find stats on adoption in Swansea via the following link: National Adoption Service - publications (opens new window).

What statistical information is available about looked after children (LAC) in Swansea?

Data around LAC is already publicly available on the StatsWales website including the reasons for becoming looked after. This website also provides historical data (going back to beyond 2009), data on LAC gender, and the facility to compare data across Welsh local authorities: StatsWales - children who are looked after (opens new window).

When should I contact the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) service?

You can contact us to have a discussion and get help, or tell us if you are worried about a child or young person.

A qualified social worker will listen to you and let you know what information, advice or assistance can be provided and who can help. How much we talk to you about a specific child will depend on the reason for your call and the circumstances.

Who registers domiciliary care providers in Wales?

The responsibility for registering all domiciliary care providers in Wales lies with the Care Inspectorate Wales. The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens new window) website has information about how to find registered are services and the latest inspection reports.

What statistical information is available about adult services in Swansea?

Data around adult services in Swansea, including adult safeguarding, service provision and social services expenditure is available on the Stats Wales website and includes the facility to compare data across Welsh local authorities: StatsWales - adult services (opens new window).

What is the average standard local authority fees Swansea Council pays for eligible elderly people in care homes?

Charging Policy (Social Services)

I would like to know the details of anyone who has passed away with no known next of kin. This includes the deceased person's full name, the date they died and the approximate value of their estate.

Although the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 apply only to living individuals, we are of the opinion that data constitutes special category or sensitive personal data, some of which would have been collected from the deceased under a duty of confidentiality, a duty which it continues to respect. We therefore refuse this request under Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Section 41 of the Act sets out an exemption for information which was provided to the public authority in confidence. It is designed to give those who provide confidential information to public authorities a degree of assurance that their confidences will continue to be respected should the information fall within the scope of an FOIA request. In doing this, we are following guidance issued by the ICO at (opens new window)

Where can I find the latest inspection reports on Social Services and places like care homes?

Social Services and all care homes have to be inspected by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens new window). You can view the most recent inspection reports about a particular care home on their website.

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