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Red weather warning - Storm Darragh

Information on changes to council services and the closure of venues and attractions during the red weather warning period.

School Essentials Grant (formerly school uniform grant - PDG access)

Funded by the Welsh Government to assist families on low incomes.

The scheme for the 2024 / 2025 academic year will begin on 1 July 2024 and end on 31 May 2025.


The School Essentials Grant is available to children and young people:

  • eligible for free school meals (eFSM)
  • Looked After Children (LAC), (must attend a Swansea school)
  • those who are classed as No Resource to Public Funds (NRPF)
  • in year groups Reception to Year 11 (as of September 2024)

*Pupils who receive free school meals due to transitional protection do not qualify for this funding*

Funding available is £125 for each eligible learner with the exception of those in Year 7, who will be entitled to £200.

The grant can be spent on:

  • School uniform including coats and shoes;
  • School sports kit including footwear;
  • IT Equipment: laptop and tablets ONLY (School Essentials should only be used in limited situations where a school is unable to loan equipment to the family).
  • Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to: scouts; guides; cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts, or dance;
  • Equipment - for example, school bags and stationery;
  • Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology;
  • Equipment for out-of-school hours' trips such as outdoor learning - for example, water proofs.

Applications for the grant are made on the Swansea Account School uniform grant - online.

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

Applications can be made from 1 July 2024 to 31 May 2025 and take up to 7 days to process payments.

If you have any further queries please contact


School uniforms - new and recycled

In partnership with Swansea Council, we have set up a new project ABC123 which is all about affordable school uniforms. We accept donated uniforms that are no longer required, launder them and then re-sell them at a fraction of the cost of new uniforms.

We have a large quantity of uniforms available at our premises in the town centre and we would welcome you to come and see what is available. Please contact us on 07494 966980 to arrange a suitable time to visit. 

Telephone: 01792 712888


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Last modified on 01 July 2024