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Replacement Local Development Plan - candidate sites

A candidate site is a defined area of land submitted to the Council by an interested party for potential inclusion in the Replacement LDP (RLDP).

The 'Call for Candidate Sites' period commenced in August 2023 and ended on 31st October 2023. The process was widely publicised and provided an opportunity for any site promoter or interested party to submit a site for potential inclusion in the RLDP.


Following the close of the Call for Candidate Sites the Council are now undertaking the Stage 1 Assessment (initial sift) of submitted sites, in line with the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology. This Stage 1 sift will determine whether sites will progress to detailed Stage 2 and 3 Assessments, which will be undertaken throughout 2024 and 2025 to inform the process of preparing the Preferred Strategy and Deposit Plan.  Should additional information be required from site promoters to inform the initial sift the Council will liaise with site promoters directly.

Guidance and Assessment Methodology

The Council has produced a comprehensive Candidate Site Guidance and Assessment Methodology note to help those looking to submit sites. 

This provides a step-by-step guide on how to answer each question in the candidate sites submission form, and provides information on the level of evidence required by the Council from submitters to enable it to make a robust assessment of the sustainability, deliverability and financial viability of the site.   The note also sets out the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and the criteria by which the Council will assess sites to determine their suitability for inclusion within the RLDP.  

Swansea RLDP Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology August 2023 (PDF) [1MB]

Constraints and Information Mapping

A comprehensive constraints and information map to assist site promoters has been prepared. Please note that whilst this information represents the most up to date data available to the Council at the time of publication, it is the responsibility of the site promoter to check all such information in terms of accuracy. The map includes a layer of information that relates to existing LDP designations.  This is provided as a reference point only, as such designations will be reviewed as part of the preparation of the RLDP.  The mapping can be accessed via Swansea Council Call for Candidate Sites Constraints and Information Map ( 

It is important to note that the Call for Sites is an evidence gathering exercise, and is a statutory early stage in the RLDP process.  The Council makes no guarantee that any Candidate Site submitted during this process will be allocated in the RLDP.

Who do I contact?

Should you wish to discuss the process of submitting a site or have any other queries relating to the RLDP, then please email or call 07814 105625.


Frequently asked questions

When will I be able to see what sites have been submitted? 

The Council will publish a Candidate Sites Register of all sites submitted during the Call for Sites stage before it publishes the draft Preferred Strategy for consultation. The Candidate Sites Register will include details of the outcome of the initial Stage 1 Sift of sites submitted.

Can I submit a site now that the Call for Sites Stage has ended ? 

National guidance makes clear that sites should be submitted during the defined dates of the Call for Sites period. Given that the period closed on October 31st 2023, any sites submitted outside this date  will only be considered at the discretion of the Council.

What happens after the Preferred Strategy consultation?

Following the consultation on the Preferred Strategy, the Council will seek to finalise the detailed assessments of all sites that passed the Initial Stage 1 Sift.  As part of the Stage 2 Assessment the Council may request further information from site promoters as necessary which may include additional evidence on viability for example.

When will I know if my site is proposed to be allocated in the RLDP? 

The Preferred Strategy is when the Council sets out its direction for growth and strategic aims, which may include the identification of strategic sites. If your site is proposed to be a strategic site then the Council will liaise with you in the lead up to publication of the draft Preferred Strategy as there may be a requirement for appropriate assessments and further detailed evidence to be provided for that site. For all other sites the Deposit Plan stage is where the Council will identify those which they consider to be suitable for allocation.

Prior to the Deposit Plan being published for consultation, the Council will contact relevant site promoters to ensure all necessary supporting evidence is submitted for any proposed allocation. It is anticipated that consultation on the Deposit LDP will commence in Summer/Autumn 2025.  Sites will only be formally confirmed as allocations following the Examination process once the appointed Inspector is satisfied the plan is sound.

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