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Pre-planning application advice services

We offer a range of services that you can access before applying for planning permission, from general householder queries to more service-specific queries and planning performance agreements for larger developments.

Our standard pre-planning advice from the planning team falls into two categories: statutory and non-statutory. More information on these as well as fees and information about other standard pre-planning services, such as additional meetings and advice in relation to listed buildings and trees can be found below.

Additional pre-planning advice offers more in-depth advice from a range of sections in the council, such as highways, pollution control, waste management etc.

Standard pre-planning application advice

Being able to query planning issues prior to the submission of a formal application enables applicants the opportunity to consider these issues and, if necessary, amend the proposals before they are finalised and submitted as planning applications.

Additional pre-planning application advice

Service-specific advice from a number of our departments on your plans - for householders and developers.

Planning performance agreements

Developers have the option of entering into a voluntary planning performance agreement (PPA) with us.

Fees and charges for additional pre-planning advice and PPAs

A breakdown of charges per department for these services.
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Last modified on 25 March 2024