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Population density

Statistics for Swansea and local geographies.

Population density estimates are available for Swansea and its local areas, including wards and Lower and Middle layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs and MSOAs).  These figures are derived by dividing the official mid-year population estimates by land area in square kilometres.  Land area is measured at mean high water mark and excludes areas of inland water, as recommended by the Office for National Statistics and Eurostat.

Population density figures (and supporting total population and land area estimates) are included in the file on this page, which contains the following separate worksheets:  

  • City and County of Swansea, 1991 to mid-2023
  • Local authorities in Wales, mid-2023
  • Lower layer Super Output Areas in Swansea (LSOAs), mid-2022
  • Middle layer Super Output Areas in Swansea (MSOAs), mid-2022
  • Electoral wards in Swansea, mid-2022.

Population Density 2022-23 (Excel doc, 132 KB)

The average population density of the City and County of Swansea is 653 people per square kilometre (mid-2023 estimate), the fourth highest of the 22 local authority areas in Wales (average: 153 people per sq. km).  Within Swansea, local population density estimates vary considerably depending on the small area geography used:

  • For wards, values range from 32 people per square kilometre (for Gower ward) to 6,480 people per sq. km (Uplands ward).
  • MSOAs: from 49 people per sq. km (Swansea 030 - 'West Gower') to 8,991 people per sq. km (Swansea 026 - 'Brynmill').
  • LSOAs: from 29 people per sq. km ('Gower 2' LSOA) to 15,385 people per sq. km ('Uplands 9' LSOA).

If you have any queries on the population density estimates or other population statistics, please contact us.

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Last modified on 11 December 2024