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Performance and improvement

The council provides performance management services to satisfy the requirements of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 and the National Performance Measurement Framework.

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Annual review of performance

This annual review of performance 2023-24 is the council's own self-assessment on its performance delivering the priorities outlined in the corporate plan.

Performance monitoring reports - annual and quarterly

The performance monitoring report demonstrates the progress in Swansea Council in meeting its objectives for the key priorities as described in the Corporate Plan.

Performance archive

Various performance information that has been published in previous years.

WLGA peer review report

The WLGA provided a peer review for the council during autumn 2014 ahead of the Wales Audit Office corporate assessment.

Corporate Risk Management

Identifying and managing risk is essential to improving council services and enhancing accountability, as well as securing compliance with formal policies and procedures.

Well-being of Future Generations

Meeting the needs of the present, while protecting the needs of future generations is a principle which underpins all decision making at Swansea Council.

Self-assessment and improvement at Swansea Council

The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 places a duty on Swansea Council to keep its performance under review. One way we do this is by consulting with local people, unions, staff and business each year.

Integrated assessment implications

The Council is subject to the Equality Act (Public Sector Equality Duty and the socio-economic duty), the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure, and must in the exercise of their functions, have due regard to the need to:

Corporate plan

The 2023 / 2028 Corporate Plan describes the council's vision for Swansea, our 6 key council priorities (well-being objectives) and our organisation values and principles that will underpin the delivery of our priorities and overall strategy.
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Last modified on 21 September 2021