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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

Suspend a parking bay

You can apply to suspend a resident bay, shared-use bay, pay and display bay or a limited waiting bay.

Please note: these applications are for parking bays only. Any applications that affect the main highway need to be completed via: Highway applications and permits

Why you would need to do this

The removal of restrictions for a limited time may help the movement of traffic or make somewhere safer for the public where:

  • building work (such as demolition or excavation) is being carried out next to the space:
    • to make sure there's room for a skip to be delivered or for a delivery to be made where the area might usually have cars parked
    • to allow a vehicle containing necessary equipment to be parked close to the site
  • it's needed for domestic / house removals
  • it's for a wedding, funeral or other special event
  • filming is taking place


The cost is £10 per day per bay, plus a £15 admin fee.

We will let you know the cost and how to pay after you have made your application and is has been approved.

After you've applied

Our decision will depend on:

  • why you want the area restricted, and
  • where you want the restriction

We will contact you within 5 working days to let you know whether your application has been successful. 

We will print notices and display them around the affected parking bay/s to let others know of the temporary change in restrictions. You will need to provide the registration numbers of all the vehicles that are likely to access the suspend bay/s during the period. It is up to you to safely block off the suspended bay/s to prevent anyone else from using them.

Apply to suspend a parking bay Apply to suspend a parking bay

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Last modified on 04 February 2025