Nature events and volunteering
Taking part in outdoor events and volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, connect with people, get active, improve your physical and mental well-being and enjoy yourself! All while helping the environment at the same time.
There are many different types of habitats in Swansea, ranging from coastal cliffs, sand dunes and estuaries, to upland moorland, heaths and grasslands, plus woodlands and wetlands. These habitats provide homes for a range of different plants and animals, including some of the country's rarest and most threatened species.
Swansea Council and Gower National Landscape recognise and value how the work of volunteers can benefit nature, and is committed to involving them, where appropriate, to support our ongoing work towards nature recovery.
Taking part in outdoor events and volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, connect with people, get active, improve your physical and mental well-being and enjoy yourself! All while helping the environment at the same time. Whether you can spare a whole day or a few hours as a volunteer, the time you give makes a huge difference and with your help, we can achieve so much more.
Our opportunities and events are seasonal and may include:
- Spring and Summer - we focus on surveying (looking for) species: butterfly and moths surveys, guided bat walks, bird walks, beach cleans, orchid counts, swift surveys, species recording events.
- Autumn and Winter - we focus on managing and improving our green spaces: tree planting, wildflower planting, removal of invasive species, access works, coppicing, hedge laying, litter picks, habitat creation and tree maintenance.
- At present, we do not run regular volunteer days, however during Autumn/Winter we organise monthly Conservation Task Days at Bishop's Wood Local Nature Reserve.
We take part in City Nature Challenge and Wales Nature Week and frequently collaborate with Friends of Parks groups, charities, societies, nature groups and various other organisations.
If you would like to stay up to date with our activities and be first to hear about upcoming opportunities and events, please join our mailing list.
For current opportunities and events, please take a look at our events page and Gower National Landscape Facebook.