Environmental events - March

Stardust Hunters and Faulkes telescope at Oriel Science
Saturday 1 March
Oriel Science Lab, 21 Castle Street, Swansea SA1 5AE
Stardust Hunters:
Every year, approx. 3,000 tons of cosmic dust falls to the surface of the Earth - these extraterrestrial particles which survive the journey through the atmosphere to land on the Earth are known as micrometeorites. Join us on the hunt for these particles and help scientists learn about our early Solar System.
Faulkes Telescope:
With the team at Swansea University, take control of the Faulkes Telescope in Hawaii and observe the universe in real-time!
- Suitable to all ages
- Children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult
- No refreshments will be provided during this this event
Booking required: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wellbeingandsafeguarding/e-eyvlqy
Conservation Task Day
12 March, 10.00am - 2.00pm
Meeting outside Bishop's Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell Bay Road, Caswell SA3 3BN
Help protect our beautiful Bishop's Wood Local Nature Reserve! We will be tackling habitat management, removing invasive species, or (depending on the weather and temperatures) continuing with coppicing to support woodland regeneration.
Enjoy the fresh air, learn about local wildlife, and make a real difference.
No experience needed - just bring your enthusiasm.
- Tea and biscuits provided
- Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather and terrain and ones that you don't mind getting dirty
- All equipment will be provided
- This activity is not suitable for children
- Parking (summer fees): Caswell Hill car park / Caswell Bay car park
Booking required: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wellbeingandsafeguarding/t-norjxmk
Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and Swansea Council cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies.