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Library charges

Charges for reservations, overdue books and other library services.

Books, audio books and DVDs are all free to borrow

Overdue charges for books, audio books and DVDs (per item)
Adult - 20p per day (maximum £5)
Senior citizen and PTL - 10p per day (maximum £2.50)

In stock in Swansea Libraries - no charge
Via local partnership scheme - no charge (subject to fair use policy)
Not in stock (interlibrary loan and new) - £10
Not in stock (interlibrary loan and new) senior citizen and PTL - £8

Photocopying/printing/reader printer
Black and white - 30p per side
Colour - 80p per side
A3/A4 scan (printout, sent by email or post) via Library Line - £2.75 per image plus P+P

Withdrawn stock - individually priced

Data sticks - £6 each

Headphones - £1.50 each

Merchandise - individually priced

Room hire - please enquire

The Cambrian Index enquiries - individually priced

Research services and fees£17.50 per 30 minutes*
*Please note: enquiries that take less than half an hour to answer will not incur a research fee, although any photocopied or printed items provided may be charged.

Enquiries that take between half an hour and a maximum of two hours of staff time to research and answer will attract a research fee of £17.50 per half hour, with postage added where appropriate. We cannot undertake in-depth research.

Please contact reference library staff on 01792 637503 if you would like to discuss your requirements.

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Last modified on 22 April 2024