Household income: model-based estimates
Small area estimates of average annual household income.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publish model-based estimates of average (mean) annual household income at a Middle Super Output Area (MSOA). The estimates are compiled using Family Resources Survey (FRS) data together with Census and administrative data.
The average (mean) income is the equivalent of adding every household income together and dividing by the number of households. Model-based estimates are produced for the following four income measures:
- Total annual household income
- Net annual household income
- Net annual household income before housing costs (equivalised*)
- Net annual household income after housing costs (equivalised).
The latest estimates are for the financial year ending 2020 and were published by ONS in October 2023. A data file for the Swansea MSOAs is available, together with a link to the latest ONS (opens new window) release.
MSOA household income estimates 2019-20 (Excel doc, 66 KB)
The 2019-20 estimates indicate a difference of £17,000 between the highest and lowest average MSOA figures in Swansea for mean household disposable (net) income (equivalised, before housing costs). These figures range from £20,900 ('Swansea 019' - Townhill MSOA) to £37,900 ('Swansea 031' - Mumbles & Newton MSOA).
Prior to the latest publication, MSOA estimates for 2017-18 were published by ONS in March 2020, and for 2015-16 in April 2018. Earlier MSOA estimates, for 2011-12 and 2013-14, were also published.
MSOAs are a statistical geography generated using Census data from groups of LSOAs (Lower Super Output Areas). They have a minimum size of 5,000 people and 2,000 households. Further information on statistical geographies in Swansea is available here. However, the 2019-20 estimates are provided for the MSOAs which existed before the 2021 Census.
For further information about the small area household income estimates, please contact us.
* Equivalised income is where household income values have been adjusted to take into consideration the number and type of people in the household.