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Household estimates

Annual estimates of households by local authority area are published by Welsh Government.

Household statistics are important for the public sector and other users who need to consider recent trends in housing demand, in order to plan for the future, provide housing and deliver services.  The most recent annual estimates of the composition of households (numbers of adults and children) are for mid-2023.  They are produced by applying assumptions about household size, formation and composition to population estimates.

The latest estimates suggest that there were a total of 109,000 households in Swansea as of June 2023, within a total of 1.377 million households in Wales.

Between 2018 and 2023, the estimated number of households in Swansea increased by around 4,000 (+3.8%).  This occurred alongside an increase in Swansea's private household population over those five years (+3.2%), leading to a small reduction in average household size (to 2.22 in 2023).

A briefing note is available which outlines the 2023 estimates for Swansea and recent change, including by household type:

Swansea Household Estimates 2023 (PDF, 1003 KB)


Local statistics

Small area statistics on the number of households with residents in Electoral Wards and Super Output Areas (SOAs) are available from the 2021 Census.  Summary tables for areas in Swansea are included on this page at a LSOA, MSOA and Ward level.  The statistics shown for each area are: total households (with residents); usual residents living in households and communal establishments; average household size.

Households Swansea LSOAs 2021 Census (PDF, 356 KB)

Households Swansea MSOAs 2021 Census (PDF, 726 KB)

Households Swansea Wards 2021 Census (PDF, 337 KB)

Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOAs) are statistical reporting units developed by ONS containing between 400 and 1,200 households.  Middle layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) are built from groups of adjacent LSOAs and have between 2,000 and 6,000 households.  Further information about the SOAs in Swansea is available here.  Information about Swansea's wards, which now reflect the 2022 boundary changes in these statistics, is also available here.


Related statistics

  • 2021 Census: Further local statistics and analysis on households is available on our Census pages.  Summary statistics from previous Censuses on a range of population and household characteristics are available here.
  • Household Projections: 2018-based local authority household projections were published by the Welsh Government in 2020.  However, these projections are based on household estimates and trends before the 2021 Census. Updated projections incorporating the latest Census data and population estimates are anticipated during 2025.

If you have any enquiries regarding this information, or require further demographic statistics for Swansea, please contact us.

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Last modified on 10 January 2025