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Cost of living help - housing

Support is available to help find you somewhere to live, prevent you from becoming homeless and help you with your rent and other bills.

The Help to Stay - Wales scheme offers support for Welsh homeowners who are in, or facing, financial difficulty in paying their mortgage. Support is in the form of a shared equity loan: Help to Stay - Wales (Welsh Government) (opens new window)

At risk of losing your home

If you are worried about being made homeless or are about to be made homeless then contact our Housing Options team as soon as possible so we can try to help keep you in your current accommodation or find you somewhere new.

Help for people who are homeless

If you are homeless and have nowhere to stay then contact our Housing Options team as soon as possible so we can help you.

Find a home

There are a number of different options and types of housing available if you are looking for a home.

Housing Options

We aim to prevent homelessness whenever possible. We can do this by helping you to stay where you are in the long term or by helping you stay where you are until you are able to find somewhere else to live.

Tenancy Support Unit

Our Tenancy Support Unit provide housing-related support and advice to home owners, housing association tenants, council tenants and those who rent from the private sector.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction

If you are on a low income you may be able to apply for Housing Benefit to help with rent costs and/ or Council Tax Reduction to help with council tax costs.

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) are additional payments to help with rent or housing costs. They are only available for people who receive either Housing Benefit or a housing element of Universal Credit.

Grants and loans for making home adaptations

We can help elderly and disabled people to adapt their homes to better suit their needs.

Owner Occupier Grants and loans to help renovate or repair your home

There may be grants and loans available to help you make repairs to your home.

Further advice and support on housing

Other organisations that may be able to help with housing issues.

Energy costs and household bills

Support and advice on paying your energy and other household bills.

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Last modified on 10 November 2023