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Cost of living help - debt and money worries

The most important thing to consider if you are struggling with money is whether you are receiving all of the benefits you are entitled to.

Social security benefits are under claimed: people who are working often do not realise they are entitled to in-work benefits; people with long-term health problems are not aware they may qualify for disability benefits; people who receive the state pension do not think they are also entitled to means-tested support.

Use a benefits calculator to find out what you may be entitled to.

Talking to an advice agency in person can help you discuss your personal situation and they can also give advice on whether you may be entitled to benefits and what other help you may be able to access: Find advice and support on benefits

The Independent Food Aid Network has produced a useful step-by-step signposting site and downloadable brochure, which can also direct you to helpful information:

Debt advice

Free support and advice on managing debt for people who have money worries or debt concerns.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction

If you are on a low income you may be able to apply for Housing Benefit to help with rent costs and/ or Council Tax Reduction to help with council tax costs.

Other benefits

Find out about statutory welfare benefits for people in different situations.

Benefits calculators

If you are not sure if you qualify for any benefits you can use an independent benefits calculator to check.

Find advice and support on benefits

Billions of pounds of means-tested benefits go unclaimed every year. Understanding what you are entitled to and making a claim can seem complicated, but there are organisations that can help you.

The Discretionary Assistance Fund

The Discretionary Assistance Fund offers payments or in-kind support to people in Wales needing urgent help.
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Last modified on 30 August 2024