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Cost of living help - energy costs and household bills

Support and advice on paying your energy and other household bills.

Find energy grants and ways to save energy in your home (GOV.UK) (opens new window)

Switching your energy supplier used to be a way of reducing your bills, however these are uncertain times and many suppliers have gone out of business.

Citizens Advice has advice for:

Council Tax discounts and exemptions

Find out if you're eligible to pay less Council Tax.

Problems paying your Council Tax bill

If you are struggling to pay your bill please get in touch as soon as possible so we can help.

Help with fuel and energy costs and other household bills

Help and support available for paying fuel, energy and other household bills.

Make your home more energy efficient

Advice and funding to help save energy and money in your home.

Wifi, computers and printing

All of our libraries offer access to wifi, computers and printing services for library members.
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Last modified on 10 December 2024