Have your say: Social Care Charging Policy 2025
We would like your views on our draft Social Care Charging Policy.
Like the vast majority of councils, Swansea Council charges for care and support services we provide. This is because without that income, it would not be possible to provide social care.
We are permitted to charge under the Social Services Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 as long as the charge is reasonable and does not exceed the cost of providing the service and does not cause financial hardship.
The income raised will help to protect, maintain, and develop care and support services to meet the needs of adults who need support in our area.
As part of our work in reviewing the Social Care Charging Policy, some changes to existing charges have been highlighted.
It is important to note that all social care clients take part in a financial assessment for charged services to determine a maximum charge which is applicable to them based on their circumstances.
Please take some time to read the draft Social Care Charging Policy at Draft for Social Care Charging Policy 2025.
We would like your views on our draft Social Care Charging Policy. Please take a few minutes to complete this: short survey
Closing date: Wednesday 5 March 2025