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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

Help to get online

Need help to get online? Request a call back and we can help you.

The Lifelong Learning team are here to help you or your friends and family get online. From beginners who need help to shop online, or someone who wants to download an app to keep in touch with family, or access job search websites, we can talk them through it.

Fill out the form and one of us will be in touch, or ring us on 01792 637101 between 9.30am - 4.00pm on weekdays (closed on bank holidays).

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 19 February 2024