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Essential Skills

Improve your maths, English, IT skills and work prospects, or help your children with their learning.

The Lifelong Learning Service runs online Essential Skills classes which are free and open to all Essential Skills learners. Classes are available for beginner and non-readers, learners wishing to gain a qualification or those wishing to update their skills. Essential Skills Wales qualifications are available from entry level to level 2 in literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and essential employability skills. Specialist teachers work with learners to prepare a negotiated individual learning plan based on their needs and aims.

Our range of courses include:

  • Essential skills (application of numbers and communication).
  • Fast track application of numbers (subject to learner assessment result).
  • Fast track communications (subject to learner assessment result).
  • Employability courses.
  • Embedded Essential skills.

Initial assessments

As part of your learning, Essential Skills students will be taken through a short assessment, to gauge your current level of learning and help you identify your learning needs. If you know anyone who would benefit from attending Essential Skills classes, or you would like to attend yourself, then please call us on 01792 637101 for more details. You can also email us at

Family Learning

Help your children with their learning.

We provide Family Learning classes to support the skills of both parents / guardians and their children. Family Learning courses are delivered in partnership with schools across Swansea, to support the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills of parents and children. The courses run for 12 weeks and are targeted at year groups negotiated with individual schools. Courses cover literacy, numeracy and digital literacy topics to help support and develop children's skills in these areas.

The online and classroom based learning sessions are fun and relaxed, and build on the strategies and knowledge of parents / guardians in supporting their children's learning. They provide an ideal opportunity for parents / guardians to improve their own skills, recognise how they can best support their children's learning and meet other parents / guardians and carers.

Family Learning courses are an ideal opportunity for parents / guardians to be involved in the school life of their children.

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Last modified on 17 July 2024