Labour market and economic statistics for Swansea - including the 'Swansea Economic Profile' and 'Labour Market Statistics' bulletin.
The Swansea Economic Profile is a summary analysis of recent local economic and labour market statistics. The profile, which is updated on a regular basis, looks at how Swansea compares with the national picture (Wales and UK) and outlines recent trends. It contains local and national data on labour force structure, economic activity, employment and other labour market and economic statistics; including commuting, workforce qualifications, business structure, local economic performance, average earnings and house prices/sales.
In addition, our Labour market statistics page includes the latest published unemployment figures for Swansea together with a quarterly bulletin which summarises key local and national labour market statistics.
A range of additional information for Swansea and other areas is available. If you have any further enquiries regarding local labour market and economic statistics, please contact us.