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Do business with the council

Find out about our trading services, register as a new supplier and learn about our purchase to pay system.

In 2019, we declared a Climate Emergency and since then, like all local authorities in the UK, we have been striving to meet net zero carbon targets by 2050. Every business can play their part by making changes to save energy, reduce waste and introduce more climate friendly policies. Swansea Council is pleased to offer support to businesses in making this transition to net zero and as part of we are pleased to be able highlight this series of Business Wales webinars that can help you make changes to your business which will benefit you, your community and the planet.

You may also want to join us in a Climate pledge

Selling to the council: a guide for suppliers

The main purpose of this guide is to provide existing and potential suppliers with guidance and information about the council's procurement processes and help suppliers to increase their chances of bidding for and finding out about council tendering opportunities.

Supplier information - procurements and contracts

Information about procurement and contracts with our Council.

Standard purchase order terms and conditions

The terms and conditions which apply to purchase orders with Swansea Council are set out in the document below.

Tendering as a consortium

Swansea Council welcomes bids from organisations who would like to work together in the form of a consortium.

Supplier information - ordering and payments

Information about payments and contacts for suppliers of goods and services to the council.

Procurement privacy statement

This is a specific privacy statement for the collection and processing of personal data by Swansea Council as part of a public procurement exercise.

Sponsorship and commercial opportunities

Become a partner with us and raise your company profile, increase your company's awareness and strengthen your brand to your customers and community.
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Last modified on 07 June 2024