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Councillors and committees

Find your local councillor and information about committees, agendas and minutes.


There are 75 elected councillors from a range of political groups who are the council's decision makers, agreeing policies and spending priorities.

Agendas and minutes of committee meetings

Agendas, reports and minutes for both the current and previous municipal years.

Watch meetings online

Council meetings are now being held as Multi-location meetings (also referred to as hybrid meetings) and where possible are being live streamed.


Scrutiny is about asking questions which get to the heart of a matter. This means getting to the important part of the situation or problem.

Calendar of committee meetings

Meeting dates are subject to change. When looking for details of a particular meeting, please contact the relevant officer to confirm that the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.

Public Participation Strategy

The Public Participation Strategy supports the Council's Consultation & Engagement Strategy.

Community and town councils

Contact details for community council and town councils and details of the role of the community and town council clerk.

Council business

The Forward Work programme sets out the decisions that the cabinet are expected to take over the next three months.

Council constitution

The framework sets out how the council operates and how decisions are made together with the procedures which are followed to ensure that decisions and functions are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

Councillors community budget

Each councillor has a budget to spend on projects to benefit the communities within their ward.

e-Voting results

Decisions made at Council, Cabinet and any other Council Body are determined by a show of hands unless there is an Electronic Voting system available.

Members of the Senedd & MPs

Contact details for your Member of the Senedd & MP (Member of Parliament).

Outside bodies

There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.

Officer delegated decisions

Recent decisions that have been taken by council officers.


The Council has a published a Petitions Scheme (as per the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021).
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Last modified on 27 June 2024