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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

Dementia Friendly Swansea and Dementia Hwb

Dementia Friendly Swansea focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia.

The Dementia Hwb located in The Quadrant, Swansea, is a unique information centre led by Dementia Friendly Swansea. Call on 01792 304519. 

The Hwb aims to be open 7 days a week between 11:00am and 3pm. It is staffed by a mix of volunteers from Dementia Friendly Swansea plus individuals and professionals from local organisations who support those living with dementia and their loved ones. Do feel free to drop-in at any time to have a chat.

Dementia Friendly Swansea and Dementia Hwb
01792 304519

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Last modified on 31 May 2023