Children and young people - information for practitioners / professionals
Information for childcare professionals.
Early Years expansion in Wales
Welsh Government has announced that from September 2022 they plan to deliver in conjunction with local authorities an expansion programme for all 2 year olds in Wales. To find out more visit:
Early Help Hubs
There are five Early Help Hubs across Swansea in a locality based model covering East, Penderry, Townhill, Valley and West.
Information for childcare providers
Information for childcare professionals and providers, including childcare offer registration and setting up a childcare business.
Thinking of setting up your own childcare business?
Prior to starting your business you should consider the type of childcare already operating in the area you have chosen. You should also investigate the demand for the type of childcare you want to provide.
FIS training programme
Family Information Service training courses offered for childcare settings, such as childminders, day nurseries, playgroups, out-of-school childcare clubs and groups of a similar nature.
Training courses for childcare sector workers and carers
Courses available to those involved in the childcare sector.
Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Care Services Directory
Find the care service that is right for you.
Last modified on 14 January 2025