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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

Training courses for childcare sector workers and carers

Courses available to those involved in the childcare sector.

Courses are open to the following groups of people free of charge. For clarification, each course page has a section called 'who should attend'.

  • Multi-agency staff and commissioned providers.
  • Internal staff and children's social workers.
  • Mainstream foster carers (and a carer's extended support network if training has been identified as a need).
  • Family and friends fostering (kinship care) (and a carer's extended support network if training has been identified as a need).
  • Carers who have a Special Guardianship Order.
  • Adopters who have an allocated social workers.
  • In-house child care residential workers who are registered with Social Care Wales.
  • Staff registered on a QCF qualification relevant to their job role.

Child protection / safeguarding awareness training - level 2 (multi-agency)

This one day course is essential (and mandatory training in some settings) for anyone whose work brings them into contact with children through a variety of roles.

Stress and self care

This course aims to identify what stress is an incorporates relaxation exercises.

Appropriate adult

This course aims to identify a greater understanding of the role of an appropriate adult.
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Last modified on 12 August 2021