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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

Black bag collection

Black bags are for non-recyclable household waste only. We will collect them fortnightly on your green week.

Black bag - keep recycling out.

It is a legal requirement for households in Swansea to recycle. Failure to do so may lead to a fixed penalty notice being issued.

To ensure your bags are collected:

  • each household is allowed to put out a maximum of 3 black bags every fortnight
  • put your bags out for collection between 7.00pm on the evening before and 6.00am on the morning of your collection day
  • use our recycling and rubbish collection search to find out what day we collect your bags
  • wrap up sharp objects eg broken glass
  • make sure your refuse sack is not too heavy (under 15kg)
  • use black bags that are no larger than 80 litres

Keep recycling out

The following items should be recycled and NOT put in your black bag:

• paper and card
• cardboard
• cans and tins
• glass bottles and jars
• food waste
• plastic bottles and lids; plastic pots, tubs and trays
• garden waste

Information on recycling:

• what can be recycled and what bags you need to use
• recycling collection days
• where you can get recycling bags and equipment
what can be recycled at recycling centres
other places to recycle


The vast majority of waste households produce is recyclable. By using our kerbside recycling services, your black bag waste will be minimal. Not all household waste can be recycled though which is why certain households who produce large quantities will be able to apply for an exemption to the limit.

Apply for a black bag limit exemption Apply for a black bag limit exemption

Apply for a black bag limit exemption

If you recycle all accepted kerbside materials and still produce more than three black bags of non-recyclable waste then you can apply for an exemption to place out additional bags.
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Last modified on 06 February 2025