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How do I become a school governor?

There are different ways of being appointed or elected to a governing body and governors normally serve a term of office of four years.

What are the benefits of being a school governor?

  • The knowledge that you have played a part in improving children's education.
  • A chance to develop new skills and to practice existing ones, such as chairing meetings, speaking in groups, asking questions, making suggestions and appointing staff.
  • The opportunity to contribute your knowledge and skills to the team.

Governors can expect to receive:

  • Written support materials published by the Welsh Government (WG), and the local authority.
  • Induction and other training to help governors carry out their duties.
  • Readily accessible advice and support from our School and Governor unit, and the Swansea Governors Association.
  • Help from your school's headteacher, other staff and fellow governors.
  • Direct support from local authority specialist staff who help governors deal with specific issues such as personnel, finance, health and safety, property management and the law.
  • Copies of Swansea Governor newsletter.

If you are interested in becoming a local authority governor or a community governor, the relevant forms are available to download on this page, or you can use our online application forms.

In the first instance contact The School and Governor Team.

Local authority governor vacancies

Applications need to be received by 5.00pm 10 September 2024 to be considered at the next panel on 24 September 2024.

The role of a school governor

There are approximately 22,200 school governors in Wales. They give their time, skills and expertise in a voluntary capacity, to help their schools provide children with the best possible education.

What is the make up of a governing body?

There are several different types of school governor.

Application to represent the council as a local authority governor

If you would like to apply please complete the online application form.

Application for appointment as a community governor

If you would like to apply please complete the online application form.

Disqualification from membership of governing bodies

It is important for anyone who is thinking about applying to become a school governor to understand that some individuals may be disqualified from this position.
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Last modified on 18 August 2021