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August 2024 press releases

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New red and green bag scheme introduced for litter picking volunteers.

If you've spotted bright red and green bags of litter appearing next to bins in Swansea it's a sign that yet another group of volunteers have been working hard to help keep Swansea's streets, parks and beaches clean.

New library loaning toys to families visiting the beach

A library with a difference has opened next to Swansea Beach.

A-level students celebrate excellent results

Swansea's A-Level students are celebrating today after achieving excellent results.

Refurbishment works help bring Swiss Cottage back to life

Swansea's iconic Swiss Cottage in Singleton Park is being brought back to life.

Free river cruises this summer as pontoon use gathers pace

Over 500 people aged 50 and over in Swansea will benefit from free River Tawe cruises this summer.

Feedback deadline approaching on future of transport

There's now a week left for residents and businesses to give views on the future of transport in South West Wales.

Lotto Abertawe - the community lottery for Swansea - has been launched

A new way for residents to support voluntary and community organisations in Swansea launched at the end of July, and you could win by taking part!

New Music Festival at revamped Swansea Amphitheatre

Residents and visitors to Swansea are being urged to take their seats this weekend for a three-day free celebration of all things music, set to take place at the recently updated Swansea Amphitheatre, located between the Marina and LC2.

Neighbourhood's new green feature will boost climate challenge

​​​​​​​A residential street near Swansea seafront is now home to a new kind of installation that'll create space for nature whilst helping fight climate change.

Homes boost for families and city centre workers

A new collection of stylish city centre homes is about to open for families and city centre workers - and there are more to come.

History enthusiasts learn of rediscovered artefacts

Archaeologists working on a coastal protection scheme have explained some of their finds to local history archivists.

Have your say next week on proposed public sector hub

Feedback is wanted next week on a proposal for a major new public sector hub in Swansea city centre.
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Last modified on 30 August 2024