Assisted collections
If you have problems carrying your recycling and rubbish to the kerbside you can apply for an assisted collection.
Assisted collections are available for residents who have a disability or are older. You should also take part in the recycling service. We can collect your recycling and rubbish from a place on your property that we agree on. Residents can get an assisted collection if:
- the applicant is disabled and is unable to carry the bags and bins to the kerbside for collection.
- there is no one else resident in the home who is able to carry the bags and bins to the kerbside for collection.
- no family member, neighbour or carer is able to help carry the bags and bins to the kerbside for collection.
- the applicant can give us proof of incapacity or disability if we need it. This could be in the form of a letter from a medical or care professional.
To apply for an assisted collection please fill in the form below. We will use this information to assess whether we are able to offer you an assisted collection. If we need proof of incapacity or disability we will contact you.
Every two years we will look at the need for the assisted collection. If you no longer need an assisted collection you should contact us to let us know.
You must keep putting your bags and bins on the kerbside for collection until we confirm your assisted collection.
Refuse collectors are not allowed to enter buildings (for example garages, sheds) to move and return containers. All gates must be unlocked and any obstructions cleared on collection day.
We do not offer an assisted collection if you only have a long drive, the property boundary is a long way from the property or you are absent on collection days.
This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.