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COAST - The Lighthouse Welcome - Bont Elim Community Church

Open to all Swansea residents.

Tots sessions will run through the summer providing free breakfast and gives the opportunities for families to socialise and for grandparents who are trying to assist their families by providing childcare.

Every Wednesday in August will be 'Welcome Wednesday'.

There will also be baby massage on a Wednesday.

50+ sessions will include chair aerobics, visually impaired group, age concern, senior ukuleles.


Up to the end of term-  Tots - Tuesday and Thursday 9.30am until noon.

Through the holidays - Tots - Wednesday 9.30am until noon.

Chair aerobics - Wednesday 1.00pm until 2.30pm

Age Concern - see our social media for details.

Senior Ukuleles - see our social media for details.

The Lighthouse Welcome
  • Bont Elim Community Church
  • Alltiago Road
  • Swansea
  • SA4 8HU
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Last modified on 11 July 2024