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Notify us of your planned event on private land in Swansea

You should complete this form in order to notify the Safety Advisory Group of your intention to hold an event involving large numbers on private land in Swansea

Before you complete this form please check you have the following details available. You will be given the opportunity to upload any supporting documents as part of the application. Please make sure these are stored on your computer as an electronic file or scanned copy.

  • If you use land owned by someone else you should upload written confirmation from the landowner who states that permission has been given to hold the event.
  • If the event organisers have previous experience in organising an event please provide details.
  • If licensable activities are to take place ie sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment (music, dancing, films, plays, indoor sporting events), late night refreshment (hot food or drink 11.00pm to 5.00am) you must apply for a Temporary event notices. This should be a minimum of 10 working days before your event.
  • You should have insurance that covers the event.
  • You must carry out a full risk assessment for the event which highlights all the potential hazards and mitigating safe guards. A copy of this risk assessment must be provided with this application.

This form is available in Welsh - click on 'Cymraeg' in the top right corner of your screen.

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Last modified on 16 February 2024