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Animals, pests and pollution

Tyregen UK Ltd, Westfield Industrial Estate, Unit 2, Waunarlwydd, SA5 4SF

Public Consultation on an application for a Part 2A Permit under the Enviornmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.

Report a pollution problem

You can let us know about a problem with noise, water, land or air pollution. The first thing you should do is speak to the person or business who is causing the nuisance. They may not realise there is a problem and will often help.

Dogs on beaches

From 1 May to 30 September dogs and their owners are only allowed to use specific 'dog friendly' beaches.

Noise problems

Loud noises can cause upset and distress to people in their homes. If you are having problems with too much noise then there are things that you can do to help solve the problem.

Pest control

If you have problems with pests like mice, rats, fleas and wasps you can arrange a pest control visit.

Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed is an invasive species of plant and is the fastest growing in the UK.

Stray dogs

If a dog is roaming freely in a public place and not under the control of any person it is treated as a stray dog. Our dog wardens deal with reports of stray dogs.

Dog fouling

Unfortunately some dog owners do not clear up their dog's mess, or they bag it up and leave the bag lying around.

Dead animals

In Swansea, our animal wardens collect dead animals, such as dogs, cats and foxes from highways.

Feeding birds

Feeding the birds in your garden is valuable to conserving the numbers of birds especially during the colder months. Unfortunately rodents also like bird food so we have put together advice on how to make sure you are only feeding the birds.

Avian influenza (bird flu)

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed at a number of locations / wild bird colonies in Wales. Some of these locations are likely to lead to dead and/or sick birds being washed up on beaches which are used by the public.

Ash dieback

Ash dieback, also known as Chalara dieback of ash, is a fungal disease that affects all species of ash trees (Fraxinus). The disease has spread west across the country and is now affecting almost all parts of Wales.

Bathing water quality

Our coastal waters are hugely improved by large and expensive treatment schemes. We monitor water quality to protect public health using standards set in an European Directive.

Air quality

Good air quality is important for our health and quality of life. If you are in good health the levels of air pollution in the UK usually cause no serious short-term side effects.

Horses on beaches

There are restrictions on the riding of horses on some beaches in Swansea from 1 May to 30 September.

Stray horses and other strays

Our animal wardens do sometimes deal with other stray animals besides dogs. There is a particular problem with straying horses in Swansea.

Walking near livestock

One of the distinctive features of Gower is the large areas of lowland heath commons where farmers who hold commoners rights are able to graze their livestock. If you are planning walks in these areas there are a number of tips to keep in mind.

Dealing with asbestos in your home

Asbestos can be found in any house or building built before the year 2000 as it was widely used in a variety of building materials.

Wildlife and the law

There is various national and international legislation that afford protection to certain species and habitats in Wales, including the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2019.

Apply for a contaminated land search

Apply for a contaminated land search for a property.

XL Bully ban - Dangerous Dogs Act 1991

The XL Bully breed type has been added to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. 

Animal licences

We issue licences for businesses where animals are kept or cared for.

Bins, litter and flytipping

Take part in a volunteer litter pick or report issues relating to rubbish and litter so that we can help keep Swansea tidy.
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Last modified on 12 September 2024