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ALN - Transition

Moving from one stage of school to another is a time of change. For children with Additional Learning Needs (ALN), these transitions require careful planning.

What is transition?

Transition is moving from one stage or phase of education to another. Sometimes this might include moving school or setting.

Transition is a time of change. For children and young people with additional needs, transition requires careful planning. It is important that your child's / young person's needs are considered at every stage of a transition, you and your child / young person will be involved at all stages of the transition process.

What are the stages of transition?

What transition involves can depend on the needs of the child / young person. It can include:

  • new seating
  • new teachers
  • new year groups
  • lunchtimes
  • break times
  • new classrooms
  • new schools

What does transition look like?

Transition looks different for different pupils according to their needs. For more information speak to your child / young person's school / college.

What opportunities are there post school for young people with ALN?

Young people can leave school legally at the end of June in the school year when they reach the age of 16.

From here they can usually make their own decisions about what they want to do. Some will, however, need support with making plans. More information can be found on our Post 16 pages.

Who else can help?

If you have any concerns about transition, there are a number of people who are able to help you. You can contact any of the following:



Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Team

Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Team
01792 636162
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Last modified on 14 April 2023