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Phone issues

Due to continuing issues following Friday's power outages, you may have trouble reaching us by phone. If you ring us, it may appear that you are in a phone call queue, but our staff are unable to answer your call due to the telephony outage. Please contact us via our online forms or by email

ALN Caseworkers

The ALN Caseworker team provides advice to help parents and children / young people on their journey. They can offer advice and support about education matters for ALN children / young people.

How will the ALN Caseworker support my child / young person?

If your child / young person has additional learning needs, the ALN Caseworkers are available to provide advice on any concerns and queries you may have related to their education. They can support you by offering advice or attend meetings with you if required. They do not work with children / young people.

Who is my ALN Caseworker?

All maintained schools in Swansea have an ALN Caseworker assigned to them. If you need to contact them you can talk to the school / college Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) or you can contact them directly via email at or telephone 01792 636162

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Last modified on 09 March 2023