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We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
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Disability Wales membership organisation of disability groups across Wales, championing the rights, equality and independence of all disabled people and promoting the social m...
Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) is a national charity providing impartial advice, information and training on independent living.
Diverse Cymru organisation promoting equality and independent living and challenging discrimination in Wales.
DPJ Foundation those in the agricultural sector with poor mental health by providing support, spreading awareness and training those in farming communities to be mo...
Drinkaware is an independent charity, which aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking.
Dyn Wales Safer Wales Dyn project provides support to Heterosexual, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender men who are experiencing domestic abuse from a partner.
Dyversity Group Local Aid Group Local Aid hold weekly sessions for Children and young people of all ages with Autism (ASD) on a Monday night at FOYD (Friends of Young Disabled)...
E.ON Energy Fund E.ON Energy Fund initiative has been set up to help existing or previous customers receive extra support. If you meet the criteria, the energy fund could he...
E.ON Next Energy Fund aim of the E.ON Next Energy Fund is to help E.ON Next customers who are experiencing financial hardship and struggling.
ECO Flex Flex is a government scheme which provides funding for energy efficiency improvements in the home such as a new central heating system, upgrades to the exis...
EDF Energy Customer Support Fund customer support fund awards grants to some of EDF's most vulnerable customer households. It aims to provide customers with a fresh start and financial stab...
Enfys donated furniture that has been restored. You can also donate furniture and other items.
Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST) has expanded its mission and vision to also meet the needs of BME young people, families and individuals including refugees and asylum seekers living in Wa...
Family Fund for families with children with disabilities.
FAN (Friends and Neighbours) groups in Swansea friends and neighbours in local communities.
FarmWell Wales Online Directory "Farming Support in Wales" Wales provides Welsh farmers with up-to-date information and details of support services.
First Choice Housing Association Choice Housing Association provides accommodation solutions for people with disabilities, veterans and additional complex needs across Wales and Shropshir...
Focus on Disability online resource providing information, guides, products and resources for the disabled community, elderly and carers in the UK.
FUW (Farmers Union of Wales) - Glamorgan farmers union for all working in agriculture.
Gamblers Anonymous UK and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling ...