Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
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Contact Wales charity offering support to families with disabled children.
Crisis national charity for homeless people.
Dementia Carers Count Dementia Carers Count yn gweithio tuag at fyd lle mae'r holl deuluoedd a ffrindiau sy'n gofalu am rywun sy'n dioddef o ddementia'n teimlo'n hyderus, wedi'u ...
Dementia Friendly Swansea and Dementia Hwb Friendly Swansea focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia.
Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by a...
Dewis Cymru local and national organisations and services that can help you.
Drinkaware is an independent charity, which aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking.
Enfys donated furniture that has been restored. You can also donate furniture and other items.
Focus on Disability online resource providing information, guides, products and resources for the disabled community, elderly and carers in the UK.
Gamblers Anonymous UK and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling ...
Giving World Word partners with busy companies to redirect their new business end-of-line, discontinued and surplus stock to the most deprived communities in the UK, ...
GROW Cymru (Growing Real Opportunities for Women) training, support, mentoring and guidance to women of all backgrounds and ages across South Wales.
Healthy City Directory for Swansea's community resource for wellbeing and health.
Hope in Swansea smartphone app that connects those needing life-giving hope to immediate, local and relevant essential support services where they live.
Infoengine highlights a wide variety of excellent voluntary and community services that are able to provide information and support so that you can make an info...
Kooth offers one-to-one, anonymous counselling sessions with fully trained and qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners.
Learn My Way website of free online courses, built by the Good Things Foundation, to help people develop their digital skills.
Learning Disability Wales for people with a learning disability and their supporters.
Leonard Cheshire Discover IT wanting a bit of support or just needing to be able to access the right equipment - we have digital coordinators and volunteers across the UK to help you b...
LGBT Cymru Helpline and Counselling Services LGBT+ Cymru Helpline is a service that provides counselling and support to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Allies and families in Wales. A safe and...