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  • Citizens Advice Swansea / Neath Port Talbot

    Provide free, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of issues for example, debt, benefits, housing and employment.

  • National Energy Action (NEA)

    NEA's Warm and Safe Homes advice service is a free support service providing advice to householders on their energy bills and keeping warm and safe in their hom...

  • Ofcom

    Advice on costs, billing and switching for phone and broadband.

  • Swansea Library of Things

    Borrow useful items that you may only need for a few jobs instead of buying a new item that ends up never being used again. Members can pay a small fee to borro...

  • Turn2us

    Turn2us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services - online, by te...

  • TV Licence help

    The Simple Payment Plan was created for those in financial difficulty.

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