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  • Local area coordinators

    Your local area coordinator can help you find advice and support in your community.

  • RNIB

    The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), one of the UK's leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted peopl...

  • Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)

    RAD works with people with all forms of deafness. It specialises in advocacy and employment issues, legal support and deaf community development.

  • Royal British Legion

    Provide lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.


    Provide lifelong support to those who are serving or have served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or the Royal Air Force, and to their families.

  • Veterans Gateway

    Support ex-forces members with healthcare and housing issues, and also give advice about employability, finances, personal relationships and more.

  • Wales Council for Deaf People

    An umbrella organisation of associations, both voluntary and statutory, working in the field of hearing loss and deafness.

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