Search for advice and support
We have provided a list of local and national organisations which could offer you further advice and support.
Search results
Acas gives employees and employers free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. Also help to resolve disputes.
Action for Children housing-related support in the home to young parents and expectant parents, aged 16-25, and their children.
ADAPT assists disabled people to find suitably adapted accommodation.
Asylum Justice free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, recognised refugees and other vulnerable migrants.
Barnado's charity shops for homeware, pre-loved fashion and so much more. You can also donate goods and volunteer.
BAYS+ Youth Homeless Service young people aged 16 - 21 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with general advice, housing, discrimination and benefits.
Better Jobs Better Futures Support.
British Heart Foundation - furniture and electrical store great range of quality preloved furniture, electricals and homewares from sofas, tables, beds and wardrobes to TVs and home appliances.
British Red Cross - Swansea furniture and electrical store pre-loved furniture and electrical goods or donate items at a Red Cross charity shop near you.
Cancer Research Swansea Superstore'll find a huge selection of clothing, accessories, books, DVDs and CDs, homewares, furniture and small electricals, all under one roof.
Care and Repair Western Bay and Repair aims to relieve the needs of people in the locality who are disadvantages by reason of health, ill-age or disability, by the provision of suppor...
Caredig provides a wide range of housing solutions for single people, families, older people and people who need support to maintain their tenancy.
Coastal Housing Association is a not-for-profit company that develops homes and commercial premises for rental and sale.
Crisis national charity for homeless people.
Enfys donated furniture that has been restored. You can also donate furniture and other items.
First Choice Housing Association Choice Housing Association provides accommodation solutions for people with disabilities, veterans and additional complex needs across Wales and Shropshir...
Goleudy (formerly Caer Las) are a housing charity based in South Wales. We prevent homelessness, provide housing and create opportunities. At our Paxton Street Hostel we support individ...
Hafan Cymru charitable housing association that provides accommodation and support to women, men, their children and young people across Wales.
Housing Justice Cymru - Citadel is a homelessness prevention project, which uses volunteers to support people at risk of experiencing homelessness, to find and/or sustain tenancies.
Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women.